Template:TMLT Driver

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Age {{{age}}}
Nationality {{{country}}}
Years Competed {{{career}}}
Championships {{{titles}}}
Pole Positions {{{poles}}}
Wins {{{wins}}}
TM Lights Driver

This template is used for drivers in the TM Lights.

Usage[edit source]

Copy these at the top of the article during editing, and fill them appropriately. Any field that has a * in it will not appear on the page if there is no information there. This is so former drivers can still have all their relevant information there without having any information that is no longer applicable there. An example (with all fields that must be filled in) is on the right.

{{TMLT Driver
|name= Name
|number= *
|career= *
|rookie= * (The season the driver competed for Rookie of the Year)
|team= *
|formerteam= * (Links to the team only, do not put the year here)
|firstrace= * 
|firstwin= * (if this is left blank, both first win and last win will not appear)
|lastwin= *
|lastrace= *
|twitter= * (Name in the Twitter thread)